Rock The Bike

‘Second Wind’ Bicycle Cog Wind Chimes


Bicycle cog wind chimes with rusty patina

Think hammocks, sun tea, gardening, and sea breezes. Sleep in and wake up to the sound of your wind chimes in the breeze outside your bedroom. Daydream about sunny bike rides on a stormy day. Handmade in our Berkeley workshop by inventor/craftsman Mike Cobb. Around the workshop, Cobb is known for his passionate recycling and reuse. He has been seen hack-sawing aerosol cans to separate the recyclable metal from the plastic nozzle. Prior to developing the ‘Second Wind’ chimes, he manufactured “Oyster Buckets” bike panniers and “Tube Saver” innertube-enclosed patch kits while running the green business he called Cobbworks in Olympia, Washington. Mike personally selects and removes the valuable parts from bikes destined for landfills, transforming this trash into a beautiful item for your home. These hand-made chimes help you transform an ordinary afternoon into a relaxing excursion. Made from salvaged bicycle parts including cogs, chainrings, freewheel bodies, cranks, chains, and derailleur cables. No two are the same. Offers a resonant-chime in medium breezes. Protected with a light coat of acryllic varnish, these chimes start out with a glossy shine, but are not weatherproof. They will develop a rusty patina over the years. However, as the various metals — cromoly steel, aluminum, and nickel-plated steel — take on the color of age, the stainless steel cables and brass hardware maintain their integrity.


build to order



Price: $89.00