This simple 4-ingredient recipe is perfect for busy events!
Frozen Blueberries
1 Banana
Yogurt (organic is best)
Vanilla Soy Milk (organic is best)
Prep It In Your Pitcher:
1. Peel your banana and place in the bottom of your blender pitcher.
2. Add 1 cup yogurt.
3. Scoop in 3 cups of frozen blueberries.
4. Pour in 2 cups vanilla soy milk.
5. Cover with the lid and pop onto your bike blender! Blend until smooth (roughly 15 sec-1 minute, depending on how hard you pedal).
This recipe yields 32 oz, which can be served in 8 small samples (4oz), 3-4 9-oz samples, or 2 16-oz beverages.