Setting the seat height correctly for each and every pedaler is essential to giving the pedaler the chance at getting the most from their muscle and skeletal strength, i.e. to feel powerful!
We’ve made changing seat height a joy with our new gym style seatpost. It’s heavier duty and much quicker to use than the bike style quick release we’ve been using. Being a square post, it’s inherently twist free; you’ll never have to worry about lining it up. Just pull the knob, raise or lower, and let go of the knob. It’ll find the nearest hole with a satisfying spring loaded pop.

Rock the Bike’s newest upgrade!
We’re bike people, but sometimes bike parts can be finicky, designed to save weight. Since our Pro frames are designed to be stationary and not climb hills, we’ve taken this opportunity to choose the best part for the job, if not the bikeiest.
Especially at a busy event, when you’ll need to raise and lower the seat for many pedalers, you’ll love this major upgrade. It’s easier on your hands, and very fast. The new frames are arriving in May, but our pre-sale is happening now through the end of this month. Email us at and catch that savings while it lasts!

Super user friendly design!