Rock The Bike

Biking Rules PSA competition, deadline Sept 28

I stumbled across this NYC-based competition to promote bike culture! $4,000/new Kona top prizes. RTB DLG or other video could work perfectly…

copied from

What is a Biking Rules PSA?

A Biking Rules PSA, or public service announcement, is a media message, moving or still, that will help promote bicycling and improve the public image of cyclists.

What kind of media qualifies as a PSA?

Still Images: including photography, poster art, graphic design, illustrations…

Videos: including narratives, documentaries, animations, and any other moving image. Entrants can submit both Do-It-Yourself Videos made with cell phones or consumer grade cameras or High-Definition Videos made with professional HD or HDV Cameras (see our Discount rental offer with DCTV!)
All Images and Videos must fit into one of two categories

1. Biking Rules Street Code
2. Why Biking Rules

How do you submit images or videos?

Online from this site! All images and videos must be submitted by September 28th to be considered for the prizes and the Biking Rules PSA Festival.

Who can submit?

ANYONE! The Biking Rules PSA Competition is open to media makers worldwide. Winning Submissions will be selected by a jury and screened at the Biking Rules Film Festival in New York City in November 2009.

Why submit?

You will be in the running for great prizes, including up to $4,000 and a new Kona bike. Submission is FREE and all entrants will receive a Cycling Commuter kit!*

I’ve been quietly amassing inspiring, amazing, and hilarious street culture and street art videos for three years

I’ve been posting these to You Tube for the last few years. Here are a few of my favorites.

1. Three women sat at the top of the escalator. A roller blader took a hundred foot lead in, then cleared the women and took the escalator backwards.

2. I immediately went for my camera when I saw this woman. I had my friend Emily stand just outside the frame of this video so I could grab the action incognito.

3. I first met Austin at the Crissy Field pullup bar last year. He’s dope. What more can I say.

4. BMX pro Pete Brandt practicing at Embarcadero and Market in SF.

5. Bike Culture from San Francisco. Inventor Max Chen twists, chops, and distorts bikes to make a big visual impact. This pet squirrel is one of his simplest mods, but one of my favorites as well. (more)

6. Live Billboard Project. Dancers under the direction of Jo Kreiter transform a brick facade into a stage with beautiful acrobatics and great lighting and music.