Rock The Bike

DLG Taillights

So the serfas taillights are all going out the window. We keep the dlg on the back 24 hours a day now. It’s amazing how much more visible we are from the back even during the day with these on. Hopefully they get back in stock soon, I need more!

Tandem Action

Last nights configuration.

A little green under the deck to make the spinning rear wheel stand out. It doesn’t show so great in pics, but it was pretty cool. I’m ditching the serfas taillights for a dual red tube of dlg. Talk about a killer taillight – check that swath of light

I have the blue lights angled a little more toward the garage here(which would be the car side of the bike).

The coolest lighting setup we’ve seen in awhile

Derek Pearson modded Rat Fink / Xtracycle combo with custom skateboard snapdeck, Down Low Glow, and quad taillights.

Check the latest lighting mod from photographer Derek Pearson: A Pink Fink / Xtracycle combo with custom skateboard snapdeck, Envy Green Down Low Glow (matching the skateboard wheels), Plush Red DLG in the front, and quad Serfas TL 1000 taillights.

“Those taillights are serfas tl 1000 and I’m bummed to say that they just discontinued the line. Raddest taillights ever.”


I’m my nephews hero

It wasn’t a pretty scene when his mom and dad decided it was time to go home…

All lit up for post Thanksgiving dinner ride