Rock The Bike

Cruiser Tuesday (Carrboro Cruiser Ride)

On any given night across the nation urban bicycle culture spreads infectiously through the streets and alleys of our cities. It challenges the contentment, social status, and faux-freedom of the consecrated car.

Born of utility, stealth, and sheen, when it comes to getting around town when the party is on, a relaxed-fit bicycle is leagues ahead of designate-driven carpool gaggles scavenging for the last parking spot. Yes, urban rollin’ with yer peeps yields newfound latitude in movement and whimsy. It’s an unorthodox, provocative, even insubordinate answer to casual gridlock. And bikes build community at the street level. When was the last time you pulled your gas guzzler up on the curb to mingle with your homegirls at a sidewalk cafe? On bikes we become accessible to each other. We can see and be seen. Neighborhoods that bike together get psyched together.

Bust the monthly move with Cruiser-Tuesday as we celebrate the free agency of two-wheeled movement through our congested urban districts. We bike-splice advocacy, arts and a lost flair for the street party. Any cycle with at least one wheel is welcomed into this courteous mass. Use your bike as the social tool it is. Get to know like-minded individuals. Groove to the sounds of open-air music delivered by bike. Cut loose, stop suddenly and dance on the sidewalk if the feeling overtakes you. Deliver yourself from the drudgery of car-culture. As if you were a kid again, take your act of going out on the town back to street-level! Go By Bicycle. See a video at: