Rock The Bike

Pedal Powered Stage packages from Rock The Bike

After producing over 150 Pedal Powered music events, Rock The Bike has designed and created a dependable, reproducible system for you. Rock The Bike offers four packages of Pedal Powered Stage gear as follows:

One Bike One Speaker Bike Pedal Powered Stage

One Bike / One Speaker

Specifically catered to the Live PA performance artist. Cello Joe lives by the words, “Make the world your stage.” Our most popular, simplest, lightest and most affordable Pedal Powered Stage package.

1-Minute Setup, 1 Bike, 1 Speaker, Audiences up to 300
$3,100.00   |   More Info



Band Ready

Power up a live band. A robust system designed for a live band, complete with AC power, for instruments such as amps, keyboards, and effect pedals.

30-Minute Setup, 4 bikes, 2 speakers, Audiences up to 500
$13,950.00   |   More Info



Live Concert

Power up a live band. A robust system designed for a live band, complete with AC power, for instruments such as amps, keyboards, and effect pedals.

2-Hour Setup, 10 bikes, 2 speakers, Audiences up to 500
$27,200.00  |   More Info



Festival Grade

Make history.

4-Hour Setup, 16 bikes, 7 speakers, Crew of 8, Audiences up to 2,500

$54,000.00  |   More Info

Please answer the questions in the following survey to clarify your event needs e.g. target audience size, crew size, etc:

We also recommend you read and see the following posts and videos before diving in to the packages above.

What: Here’s a post that explains the components of a Pedal Powered Stage. Here we describe the basic building blocks of Pedal Power: Generators, Loudspeakers, circuits, etc.

Why: Check out Paul Freedman’s “Fossil Fool TED talk” to get the motivation for Pedal Powering music events. It’s about teamwork, community building, fun, and replacing gas generators.

Where: You can do it anywhere, but outdoor music events are the best settings. Our system uses cargo bikes to carry all the gear to events. Then we convert the cargo bikes into generators. See photos of past events:

Who: Your crew should include strong cyclists, outgoing ‘coaches’, techs, and performers. See pictures of the Rock The Bike crew in action. 

How: Call us to get an estimate going for your gear package. We ship almost anywhere and specialize in building gear you can learn quickly and use dependably. You can also come to a Rock The Bike event and learn from us directly. Typical lead time for a Pedal Powered Stage is 6-8 weeks.