Rock The Bike

Modified JBL Loudspeakers FAQs

44% power savings – how’s that possible?

It’s true! We scientifically measured the power consumption of these loudspeakers in both AC mode and Modified DC mode by running a bass-heavy tone into the speaker and confirming that the audio output level was equal. The speakers used 35% less power in DC mode! Add to that the 9-10% efficiency penalty that most AC-DC inverters take, and you get a 44% power savings when using them in DC mode. In practical event terms, this means you get the same amount of clean, clear, danceable music, but with 40% fewer pedalers. You can do amazing things with even one pedaler. In the world of Pro Audio, 44% is an unheard-of efficiency gain, and the PRX line, with its digital Crown amplifiers, was already known for being an efficient loudspeaker.

Can I just use this old car audio equipment instead?

Most bike music projects use car audio componentry, because it is cheap, widely available, and will work on 12-volt DC power such as a motorcycle battery. However, car audio equipment cannot amplify musicians at a concert, because it does not have the efficiency, overall listening levels, and clarity required. It was designed for small enclosed spaces, not large open spaces. That’s why you need Pro Audio equipment. Our modified JBL PRX loudspeakers are the best of both worlds. They provide concert quality sound and are ready for DC power, i.e. Pedal Power!