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Joining the 2-mile challenge tour

What’s up bike people? I’ve been riding like crazy over the past few weeks. Meeting some great people, hosting good street parties in the Mission District.

The new bike’s been handling so well. That’s my friend Lisa on the back in the picture. We were taking a photoshoot for the upcoming 2 Mile Challenge Tour, planned by Clif Bar. I’ll be joining my friends and fellow bike culture musicians the Ginger Ninjas on the tour. The name derives from the fact that 40% of car trips in this country are two miles or shorter.

In October and November, the tour will hit college campuses to promote the magic and logic of bicycling to students. I’ll be one of the entertainers on the tour. It’ll be our job to use our music, our art bikes, and our bike culture juju to persuade college kids of the righteousness and sexiness of bicycling, as they get prepared to make major life decisions — first home, first job, first commute.

Bike culture blowing up! Hope you guys get out and rock the bike this weekend!