Rock The Bike

The kids enjoyed bike blending on the community ride.

It was great to talk with you the other day and thank you for letting me know about Rock the Bike’s Sponsorship Program. Listed below is the information you requested and attached are some photos from a recent event where we borrowed a Fender Blender Universale from a local organization called People Power who told us all about Rock the Bike. We would really like to be able to have a Fender Blender Universale for our own program because we do a tremendous amount of work with the local schools here in Santa Cruz County, California.

The kids really enjoyed being able to make healthy smoothies as part of their community ride! Our budget is extremely tight and we would love to be able to add this component to our community rides with your support. Bike Smart! is a program of Ecology Action, a local non-profit dedicated to promoting and providing sustainable transportation services to Santa Cruz County residents and businesses. Its other programs include: Bike to Work / School, Folding Bikes in Buses, Zero Interest Bike Loan and Discount Bus Pass. 

Program Overview:
Bike Smart! Youth Bicycle Safety Program coordinates with schools and community organizations to teach bicycling skills to Santa Cruz County youth. We offer class room presentations, bicycle rodeos (bike skill obstacle courses), and community rides.

The Bike Smart! program has established several health and safety related goals.

Program Goals!

-Reduce the collision rates of young bicyclists
-Increase safe, legal bicycling practices among youth
-Increase use and proper fit of bicycle helmets
-Advocate and empower youth to use bicycles for transportation
-Promote exercise and healthy life-styles through bicycling
-Educate youth to Share the Road as bicyclists and as future motorists
-Inform participants of local bicycling resources: bicycle routes,
organizations and events
-Generate interest in safe, recreational bicycling

Local companies and organizations sponsor Bike Smart! financially and by contributing products and services. Our sponsors include: the Bicycle Trip, Santa Cruz County Cycling Club, Cyclists for Cultural Exchange and Bell Sports.

For more information on BikeSmart! check out our website on the home page there are photos and a story about our community ride with Bay View Elementary where we used [the Rock the Bike] blender.

Thank you for your consideration of our request and please let me know if you have any other questions regarding our program.

Best regards,
Bike Smart!